You may follow us via our website and via LinkedIn. We regularly post powerful updates that may be of interest to you.
Privacy statement, bulky text or short and clear?
Anyone who is processing personal data has an obligation according to the GDPR, as a data controller, to inform individuals accordingly. These individuals have the right to know why their personal data is being processed and what will happen to their personal data. You can do this by compiling a privacy statement or privacy regulations.
In our blog, we present some tips on how to prepare a privacy statement.
How do you deal with “compliance” within your company?
The topic of compliance is relevant for every company. Companies have to deal with increasingly more and more detailed regulations. Consequently, compliance with applicable laws and regulations should be one of the top priorities on your company’s agenda.To be successful in complying with applicable laws and regulations, integrity is of great importance. In our latest blog, you can discover how we can be of help to you.
Great Spring Cleaning: A great opportunity to clean up work folders and files!
Spring is just around the corner and we are close to the end of the first quarter of this year! Excellent timing to refresh your work folders and business files, right? In our blog, you can find our tips: why?; what?; how? - Good luck!
Proposal of the European Commission on Corporate Sustainability due diligenceTips for your company in preparation of entry into force of the Directive
Last year the European Commission published a proposal for a directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence. This proposal is a clear indication that more strict, binding conditions on CSR are here to stay and this will probably affect your company in the near future.
Check out our blog for more information about this proposal!
Starting your GDPR Privacy program for 2023!
The year 2022 is ending. Did your DPO or privacy counsel already draw up an annual plan 2023, setting out the focus areas for privacy protection? If not, start now! In our most recent update we will provide you with some relevant suggestions in this respect.
If you need any help in completing your GDPR Privacy program for 2023, please feel free to contact us!
For the upcoming holidays, Hermans Peters Law wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Attention! A few days ago, President Biden signed an 'Executive Order'. This is an important step towards a new framework for "EU - US cross-border data flows". There is an urgent need for a new framework, since "Privacy Shield" was declared invalid by the European Court of Justice in July 2020. A Factsheet with relevant information on this 'Executive Order' can be found here:
And now? Now it is the European Commission's turn to assess if the 'Executive Order' is sufficient for granting 'adequacy'. This process is expected to take six (6) months. After a long time of uncertainty, this can be considered positive news for companies that exchange (personal) data with US parties. This happens a lot! Just an example: a Dutch-based sponsor, who intends to use a US-based CRO to process clinical trial data.
Since July 2020, there is a great need for clarity and certainty. Hopefully, a transfer mechanism that meets European standards (GDPR, AVG) will be available in the course of 2023. To be continued!
The termination of an employment agreement: What to do with data carriers containing (former) employee's private data?
Employees are often provided with a company laptop, tablet or mobile phone. Such devices remain company property and are made available to employees in order to enable them to perform their duties. In practice, it happens that employees do not use such devices for business activities only, but also use it for private matters. In this blog we will discuss what consequences this may have when the employment agreement is terminated.
Is my employee allowed to perform secondary activities?As of the beginning of August 2022, a change in the Dutch law (Book 7 of the Dutch Civil Code) provides better protection to employees when it comes to the performance of secondary activities. This change is triggered by the Dutch 'Act Implementing the EU Directive on Transparent and Predictable Terms of Employment'.
In our Blog you can read what this new rule exactly means and how to deal with it.
Google Analytics – an update from a GDPR/AVG perspective (July 2022)
If your company uses Google Analytics, the analytical cookies are used to collect personal data from your website visitors. Google Analytics is used to collect statistics about a website in order to improve the experience of the website visitor. Numerous national and international companies are currently still using this tool. In our Blog - Update Google Analytics you can read what the current updates mean for your company from a GDPR/AVG perspective.
Changes in the Dutch law pursuant to the EU Whistleblower Directive
Recently, individuals referred to as ‘whistleblowers’ and the position of such whistleblowers in companies are getting a lot of attention.
A new European Directive was introduced in 2019, presenting the framework for the protection of whistleblowers. This European Directive stills needs to be formally implemented into the Dutch laws,
which will result in the ‘Wet bescherming klokkenluiders’, updating the existing Dutch ‘Wet Huis voor Klokkenluiders’. This formal implementation is expected later this year (2022). This is explained in our Blog - protection whistleblowers.
Need to amend and shorten your Payment Period?
As of 1 July 2022 the “Wijziging van Boek 6 van het Burgerlijk Wetboek in verband met het verkorten van de wettelijke betaaltermijn tot 30 dagen”, an amendment of the Dutch Civil Code (“DCC”) relating to payment periods will enter into force (“Amendment”). As a result, agreed payment periods in “trade agreements” may need to be shortened from 60 to 30 days. This is explained in our Blog - Payment Period.

The information contained on this page has been compiled with the utmost care. However, Hermans Peters Law cannot guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the information contained herein and accepts no liability for any resulting loss, damage and/or costs of any kind. All intellectual property rights are reserved.